Monday, 24 September 2012

I have a new blog

Hey thanks for stopping by! Alicia B. Photography has a NEW blog!
Click on the link below to visit my new blog.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Catching Up

I have not added anything to my blog in quite some time. A couple weeks ago I got to photograph a two month old little boy and his  parents! Great people. Such a cute little family!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Gunner Clinton

This tiny little man was pure sweetness. The smallest  newborn I have photographed yet, but probably one of the strongest! Gunner was born 6lbs. 11oz. on February 20. In his first week he lost a pound making him even smaller. I just adored his little wrinkles! Thank you Shaunna and Travis for letting me capture your little miracle!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Mya Emily

What a treat it was to photograph this little angel and her family! 10 days new! She was feisty at first but she has to be...she has two big brothers she will have to put up with. Such a beautiful family inside and out!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Shaunna and Travis are Expecting!

I had a great time shooting Travis and Shaunna! They were cute as can be! Im so excited for them.

By looking at Shaunna its hard to tell she is already 36 weeks!! She is tiny... and all tummy! She looks amazing! I worked with Shaunna previously at a child care centre and so it was nice to work with her again..only this time it wasnt work, it was fun! It was so nice to meet Travis for the first time. He was such a good sport. Shaunna was willing to do pretty much anything (a photographer's dream client!)

I am so lucky I get to do a newborn session with them as well. I cannot wait to meet their little bundle of joy! Stay tuned for a tiny little miracle. Good Luck Shaunna! You will do great!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas

This holiday season I was lucky enough to photograph three families and their adorable little ones!!! Each session got me more and more into the Christmas spirit! Alot of time and effort was put into each session to make sure they turned out exactly how I had imagined! I even started making my own Tutus! I am very pleased with each session!!!
If your feeling a little Bah-Humbug or Grinch like this wont be after seeing these beautiful faces!! Thank-You Ron, Amanda & Luke; Kendra, Jamie & Tanner; Brittany, Trent & Bella!!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

I Got A Blog!!

Hey this is my first time ever blogging and it feels kind of weird. Actually it kind of feels like I am talking to myself...which in my world kind of comes naturally!

Anyway for my very first post I will show some images of the sweetest little princess I had the opportunity to photograph...not once but twice! Her name is Bella and her mommy calls her Bella Boo which i think is absolutely adorable!!!